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Pokémon SpritesIV-Calc
Damage Calc.Type efficacy

Sweet Scent (Move)

Battle Frontier Battle Frontier,
Battle Palace Category:

  Move #230, Generation II

  Normal Type

 [status] Status move

  Power: --

  Accuracy: 100%

  20 PP

  Priority: 0 (default)

  Target –> All opponents

Gold, Silver, and Crystal:

Reduces the foe's evasiveness.

Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald:

Allures the foe to reduce evasiveness.

FireRed and LeafGreen:

Allures the foe to reduce evasiveness. It also attracts wild POKéMON.

Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum:

A sweet scent that lowers the foe’s evasiveness.
It also lures wild Pokémon if used in grass, etc.

HeartGold and SoulSilver:

A sweet scent that lowers the foe’s evasiveness.
It also lures wild Pokémon if used in grass, etc.

Black and White:

A sweet scent that lowers the opposing team’s evasiveness.
It also lures wild Pokémon if used in grass, etc.

Black 2 and White 2:

A sweet scent that lowers the opposing team’s evasiveness.
It also lures wild Pokémon if used in grass, etc.

X and Y:

A sweet scent that harshly lowers opposing Pokémon’s evasiveness.
This also lures wild Pokémon if used in places such as tall grass.

Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire:

A sweet scent that harshly lowers opposing Pokémon’s evasiveness.
This also lures wild Pokémon if used in places such as tall grass.

Gen. VII:

A sweet scent that harshly lowers opposing Pokémon’s evasiveness.

Pokémon Contest Spectacular [Ω/α]

Contest condition:
Appeal:  ♥ ♥

Pokémon Super Contest

Contest condition
Gen. III-IV:
Appeal:  ♥ ♥
Prevents the Voltage
from going down in
the same turn.

Pokémon Contest

Contest condition
Gen. III-IV:
Appeal:  ♥
Jamming:  ♡ ♡ ♡
Badly startles those that
have made appeals.
Gen. III-IV Combos
Pokémon Contest
Sweet Scent Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder
TM12 Gold and Silver, Crystal.
Pokémon @ Sweet Scent
By leveling up
#001#001 Bulbasaur#002#002 Ivysaur#003#003 Venusaur#003-mega#003 Mega Venusaur#043#043 Oddish#044#044 Gloom#045#045 Vileplume#069#069 Bellsprout#070#070 Weepinbell#071#071 Victreebel#152#152 Chikorita#153#153 Bayleef#154#154 Meganium#182#182 Bellossom#216#216 Teddiursa#217#217 Ursaring#283#283 Surskit#284#284 Masquerain#303#303 Mawile#303-mega#303 Mega Mawile#314#314 Illumise#315#315 Roselia#357#357 Tropius#407#407 Roserade#415#415 Combee#416#416 Vespiquen#455#455 Carnivine#492#492 Shaymin Land Forme#492-sky#492 Shaymin Sky Forme#556#556 Maractus#590#590 Foongus#591#591 Amoonguss#682#682 Spritzee#683#683 Aromatisse#684#684 Swirlix#685#685 Slurpuff#742#742 Cutiefly#743#743 Ribombee#753#753 Fomantis#754#754 Lurantis#757#757 Salandit#758#758 Salazzle#761#761 Bounsweet#762#762 Steenee#763#763 Tsareena#764#764 Comfey#786#786 Tapu Lele
By breeding
#046#046 Paras#191#191 Sunkern#213#213 Shuckle#270#270 Lotad#420#420 Cherubi#495#495 Snivy#548#548 Petilil
#001#001 Bulbasaur#002#002 Ivysaur#003#003 Venusaur#012#012 Butterfree#015#015 Beedrill#043#043 Oddish#044#044 Gloom#045#045 Vileplume#046#046 Paras#047#047 Parasect#048#048 Venonat#049#049 Venomoth#069#069 Bellsprout#070#070 Weepinbell#071#071 Victreebel#114#114 Tangela#124#124 Jynx#151#151 Mew#152#152 Chikorita#153#153 Bayleef#154#154 Meganium#165#165 Ledyba#166#166 Ledian#182#182 Bellossom#187#187 Hoppip#188#188 Skiploom#189#189 Jumpluff#191#191 Sunkern#192#192 Sunflora#204#204 Pineco#205#205 Forretress#238#238 Smoochum#241#241 Miltank#251#251 Celebi

en Sweet Scent
it Profumino
fr Doux Parfum
de Lockduft
es Dulce Aroma

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