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Pokémon SpritesIV-Calc
Damage Calc.Type efficacy

Aqua Ring (Move)

  Move #392, Generation IV

  Water Type

 [status] Status move

  Power: --

  Accuracy: --

  20 PP

  Priority: 0 (default)

  Target –> User

Gen. IV:

The user envelops itself in a veil made of water. It regains some HP on every turn.

Gen. V:

The user envelops itself in a veil made of water. It regains some HP on every turn.

Gen. VI:

The user envelops itself in a veil made of water. It regains some HP every turn.

Gen. VII:

The user envelops itself in a veil made of water. It regains some HP every turn.

Pokémon Contest Spectacular [Ω/α]

Contest condition:
Appeal:  ♥

Pokémon Super Contest

Contest condition
Gen. IV:
Increased Voltage is
added to the
performance score.
Pokémon @ Aqua Ring
By leveling up
#086#086 Seel#087#087 Dewgong#118#118 Goldeen#119#119 Seaking#134#134 Vaporeon#170#170 Chinchou#171#171 Lanturn#183#183 Marill#184#184 Azumarill#222#222 Corsola#226#226 Mantine#350#350 Milotic#368#368 Gorebyss#370#370 Luvdisc#382#382 Kyogre#382-primal#382 Primal Kyogre#456#456 Finneon#457#457 Lumineon#458#458 Mantyke#484#484 Palkia#489#489 Phione#490#490 Manaphy#535#535 Tympole#536#536 Palpitoad#537#537 Seismitoad#580#580 Ducklett#581#581 Swanna#594#594 Alomomola#746#746 Wishiwashi Solo Form#746-school#746 Wishiwashi School Form#751#751 Dewpider#752#752 Araquanid#788#788 Tapu Fini
By breeding
#007#007 Squirtle#072#072 Tentacool#090#090 Shellder#222#222 Corsola#278#278 Wingull#320#320 Wailmer#363#363 Spheal#366#366 Clamperl#370#370 Luvdisc#393#393 Piplup#418#418 Buizel#515#515 Panpour#728#728 Popplio

en Aqua Ring
it Acquanello
fr Anneau Hydro
de Wasserring
es Acua Aro

Moves (List)

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