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Pokémon SpritesIV-Calc
Damage Calc.Type efficacy
Rotom’s Pokédex

#296 Makuhita

Makuhita Makuhita shiny
1.0 m (3'03")86.4 kg (190.5 lbs.)
Makuhita Guts Pokémon [FOOTPRINT]

Ability #1

Thick Fat - The Pokémon is protected by a layer of thick fat, which halves the damage taken from Fire- and Ice-type moves.

Ability #2

Guts - It’s so gutsy that having a status condition boosts the Pokémon’s Attack stat.

Hidden Ability

Sheer Force - Removes additional effects to increase the power of moves when attacking.

75%  - 25% 
Pokéball% Catch rate: 180/255
tame icon Base friendship: 70/255
1 640 000 Experience Points @ Lv100
Color: Yellow Yellow
Shape: humanoid


#048R SE ~ #049ΩR αS

Coastal Kalos

#056Su Mo ~ #068Ultra


#296 Makuhita

 • Evolution

Basic  Stage 1
#296 #296 Makuhita
Lv 24 ➜
#297 #297 Hariyama

#296 Makuhita

 • Type efficacy

(Move Power × [4 | 2 | 1 | 0.5 | 0.25 | 0])

Gen. VI+: 1 1 2 1 1 ½ ½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ½ 2
Gen. III-V: 1 1 2 1 1 ½ ½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ½ -
This table ignores the ability.

#296 Makuhita

 • Statistics, Effort values & Experience

(MIN–MAX: [0 IV, 0 EV, Nat.-10%] — [31 IV, 252 EV, Nat.+10%])

  HP Attack Defense Special Attack Special Defense Speed
Base Stats 72 60 30 20 30 25
Level 50 132-179 58-123 31-90 22-79 31-90 27-84
Level 100 254-348 112-240 58-174 40-152 58-174 49-163
Tot. Base Stats: 237
Effort values (1) 1 0 0 0 0 0
Experience: 47; Before Black 2 and White 2: 87

#296 Makuhita

 • Pokédex Entries

RubyMAKUHITA is tenacious - it will keep getting up and attacking its foe however many times it is knocked down. Every time it gets back up, this POKéMON stores more energy in its body for evolving.
SapphireMAKUHITA has a tireless spirit - it will never give up hope. It eats a lot of food, gets plenty of sleep, and it trains very rigorously. By living that way, this POKéMON packs its body with energy.
EmeraldIt loves to toughen up its body above all else. If you hear quaking rumbles in a cave, it is the sound of MAKUHITA undertaking strenuous training.
FireRedIt grows stronger by enduring harsh training. It is a gutsy POKéMON that can withstand any attack.
LeafGreenIt grows stronger by enduring harsh training. It is a gutsy POKéMON that can withstand any attack.
DiamondIt toughens its body by slamming into thick trees. Many snapped trees can be found near its nest.
PearlIt toughens its body by slamming into thick trees. Many snapped trees can be found near its nest.
PlatinumIt toughens its body by slamming into thick trees. Many snapped trees can be found near its nest.
HeartGoldIt toughens up by slamming into thick trees over and over. It gains a sturdy body and dauntless spirit.
SoulSilverIt toughens up by slamming into thick trees over and over. It gains a sturdy body and dauntless spirit.
BlackIt toughens its body by slamming into thick trees. Many snapped trees can be found near its nest.
WhiteIt toughens its body by slamming into thick trees. Many snapped trees can be found near its nest.
Black 2 and White 2It toughens its body by slamming into thick trees. Many snapped trees can be found near its nest.
XIt toughens up by slamming into thick trees over and over. It gains a sturdy body and dauntless spirit.
YIt grows stronger by enduring harsh training. It is a gutsy Pokémon that can withstand any attack.
Omega RubyMakuhita is tenacious—it will keep getting up and attacking its foe however many times it is knocked down. Every time it gets back up, this Pokémon stores more energy in its body for evolving.
Alpha SapphireMakuhita has a tireless spirit—it will never give up hope. It eats a lot of food, gets plenty of sleep, and it trains very rigorously. By living that way, this Pokémon packs its body with energy.
SunIt was originally brought in from another region, but now Makuhita from Alola are more famous.
MoonTheir daily routine consists of training together first thing in the morning, eating and napping in the afternoon, and then more training afterward.
Ultra SunIt practices its slaps by repeatedly slapping tree trunks. It has been known to slap an Exeggutor and get flung away.
Ultra MoonThere’s a rumor of a traditional recipe for stew that Trainers can use to raise strong Makuhita.

#296 Makuhita

 • Locations

Ruby Granite Cave, Victory Road.
Sapphire Granite Cave, Victory Road.
Emerald Granite Cave, Victory Road.
Diamond Route 225.
Pearl Route 225.
Platinum Route 225.
HeartGold Cerulean Cave, Dark Cave, Diglett's Cave, Ice Path, Mt. Moon, Mt. Mortar, Mt. Silver, Rock Tunnel, Route 47, Seafoam Islands, Slowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls, Union Cave, Victory Road, Whirl Islands.
SoulSilver Cerulean Cave, Dark Cave, Diglett's Cave, Ice Path, Mt. Moon, Mt. Mortar, Mt. Silver, Rock Tunnel, Route 47, Seafoam Islands, Slowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls, Union Cave, Victory Road, Whirl Islands.

#296 Makuhita

 He Held item

Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon

5% => Black BeltBlack Belt


#296 Makuhita

#296.aniGen. III-V data

Gen. 3 index
No.: 335

Pal Park:


base score:
50; 30%



Mystery Dungeon, IQ group: E



Speed: STARStarStar
Power: STARStarStarstarstar
Skill: STARStarStar
Stamina: STARStarStarstar
Jump: STARSTARStarstarstar

#296 Makuhita

 • Egg Groups

Human-Like (Humanshape)

#063 Abra #064 Kadabra #065 Alakazam #066 Machop #067 Machoke #068 Machamp #096 Drowzee #097 Hypno #106 Hitmonlee #107 Hitmonchan #122 Mr. Mime #124 Jynx #125 Electabuzz #126 Magmar #237 Hitmontop #296 Makuhita #297 Hariyama #302 Sableye #307 Meditite #308 Medicham #313 Volbeat #314 Illumise #327 Spinda #331 Cacnea #332 Cacturne #390 Chimchar #391 Monferno #392 Infernape #427 Buneary #428 Lopunny #448 Lucario #453 Croagunk #454 Toxicroak #466 Electivire #467 Magmortar #532 Timburr #533 Gurdurr #534 Conkeldurr #538 Throh #539 Sawk #574 Gothita #575 Gothorita #576 Gothitelle #605 Elgyem #606 Beheeyem #619 Mienfoo #620 Mienshao #624 Pawniard #625 Bisharp #674 Pancham #675 Pangoro #701 Hawlucha
Egg cycles: 20; Steps: 5397, Gen. IV = 5355, Gen. III = 5376

#296 Makuhita

 • Moves, Learnset of Makuhita






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#296 Makuhita

 • Sprites & extra info…

ja Makunoshita
en Makuhita
fr Makuhita
de Makuhita

Super Training (ST): Green Green

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