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Pokémon SpritesIV-Calc
Damage Calc.Type efficacy

Dragon Breath (Move)

Battle Frontier Battle Frontier,
Battle Palace Category:

  Move #225, Generation II

  Dragon Type

 [special] Special move

  Power: 60

  Accuracy: 100%

  20 PP

  Priority: 0 (default)

  Target –> Selected Pokémon

Gold, Silver, and Crystal:

A strong breath attack.

Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald:

Strikes the foe with an incredible blast of breath.

FireRed and LeafGreen:

The foe is hit with an incredible blast of breath that may also paralyze.

Gen. IV:

The user exhales a mighty gust that inflicts damage. It may also paralyze the target.

Black and White:

The user exhales a mighty gust that inflicts damage.
It may also leave the target with paralysis.

Black 2 and White 2:

The user exhales a mighty gust that inflicts damage.
It may also leave the target with paralysis.

X and Y:

The user exhales a mighty gust that inflicts damage.
This may also leave the target with paralysis.

Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire:

The user exhales a mighty gust that inflicts damage.
This may also leave the target with paralysis.

Gen. VII:

The user exhales a mighty gust that inflicts damage.
This may also leave the target with paralysis.

Pokémon Contest Spectacular [Ω/α]

Contest condition:
Appeal:  ♥ ♥
Jamming:  ♡ ♡ ♡

Pokémon Super Contest

Contest condition
Gen. III-IV:
Appeal:  ♥ ♥
Earn +2 if the
Pokémon performs
first in the turn.

Pokémon Contest

Contest condition
Gen. III-IV:
Appeal:  ♥
Jamming:  ♡ ♡ ♡
Badly startles those that
have made appeals.
Gen. III-IV Combos
Pokémon Contest
Dragon Rage, Dragon Dance Dragon Breath
Dragon Breath Dragon Rage, Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance
TM24 Gold and Silver, Crystal.
Pokémon @ Dragon Breath
By leveling up
#095#095 Onix#208#208 Steelix#208-mega#208 Mega Steelix#329#329 Vibrava#330#330 Flygon#334#334 Altaria#334-mega#334 Mega Altaria#371#371 Bagon#372#372 Shelgon#373#373 Salamence#373-mega#373 Mega Salamence#380#380 Latias#380-mega#380 Mega Latias#381#381 Latios#381-mega#381 Mega Latios#483#483 Dialga#484#484 Palkia#487#487 Giratina Altered Forme#487-origin#487 Giratina Origin Forme#566#566 Archen#567#567 Archeops#633#633 Deino#634#634 Zweilous#635#635 Hydreigon#643#643 Reshiram#644#644 Zekrom#646#646 Kyurem#646-black#646 Black Kyurem#646-white#646 White Kyurem#704#704 Goomy#705#705 Sliggoo#706#706 Goodra#718#718 Zygarde#718-10#718 Zygarde 10% Forme#718-complete#718 Zygarde Complete Forme#780#780 Drampa
By breeding
#116#116 Horsea#142#142 Aerodactyl#142-mega#142 Mega Aerodactyl#147#147 Dratini#252#252 Treecko#349#349 Feebas#443#443 Gible#782#782 Jangmo-o
#004#004 Charmander#005#005 Charmeleon#006#006 Charizard#058#058 Growlithe#059#059 Arcanine#116#116 Horsea#117#117 Seadra#130#130 Gyarados#131#131 Lapras#142#142 Aerodactyl#147#147 Dratini#148#148 Dragonair#149#149 Dragonite#151#151 Mew#208#208 Steelix#230#230 Kingdra#248#248 Tyranitar#249#249 Lugia#250#250 Ho-Oh

en Dragon Breath
it Dragospiro
fr Dracosouffle
de Feuerodem
es Dragoaliento

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