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Pokémon SpritesIV-Calc
Damage Calc.Type efficacy

Fissure (Move)

Battle Frontier Battle Frontier,
Battle Palace Category:

  Move #090, Generation I

  Ground Type

 [physical] Physical move


  Accuracy: 30%

  5 PP

  Priority: 0 (default)

  Target –> Selected Pokémon

Gold, Silver, and Crystal:

A ground-type, one-hit KO attack.

Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald:

A one-hit KO move that drops the foe in a fissure.

FireRed and LeafGreen:

The foe is dropped into a fissure. The foe faints if it hits.

Diamond and Pearl:

The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in.
The target instantly faints if it hits.


The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in.
The target instantly faints if it hits.

HeartGold and SoulSilver:

The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in.
The target instantly faints if it hits.

Black and White:

The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the target in.
The target instantly faints if it hits.

Black 2 and White 2:

The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the target in.
The target instantly faints if it hits.

X and Y:

The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the target in.
The target faints instantly if this attack hits.

Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire:

The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the target in.
The target faints instantly if this attack hits.

Gen. VII:

The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the target in.
The target faints instantly if this attack hits.

Pokémon Contest Spectacular [Ω/α]

Contest condition:
Appeal:  ♥ ♥
Jamming:  ♡

Pokémon Super Contest

Contest condition
Gen. III-IV:
Earn +15 if all the
Pokémon choose the
same Judge.

Pokémon Contest

Contest condition
Gen. III-IV:
Appeal:  ♥ ♥
Jamming:  ♡
Badly startles all POKéMON
that made good appeals.
TM27 Red and Blue, Yellow.
Pokémon @ Fissure
By leveling up
#050#050 Diglett#050-alola#050 Diglett Alola Form#051#051 Dugtrio#051-alola#051 Dugtrio Alola Form#323#323 Camerupt#323-mega#323 Mega Camerupt#328#328 Trapinch#339#339 Barboach#340#340 Whiscash#383#383 Groudon#383-primal#383 Primal Groudon#413-sandy#413 Wormadam Sandy Cloak#449#449 Hippopotas#450#450 Hippowdon#529#529 Drilbur#530#530 Excadrill#618#618 Stunfisk#645#645 Landorus Incarnate Forme#645-therian#645 Landorus Therian Forme
By breeding
#131#131 Lapras#143#143 Snorlax#220#220 Swinub#231#231 Phanpy#320#320 Wailmer#324#324 Torkoal#363#363 Spheal#410#410 Shieldon#422#422 Shellos
#006#006 Charizard#009#009 Blastoise#023#023 Ekans#024#024 Arbok#027#027 Sandshrew#028#028 Sandslash#031#031 Nidoqueen#034#034 Nidoking#050#050 Diglett#051#051 Dugtrio#061#061 Poliwhirl#062#062 Poliwrath#066#066 Machop#067#067 Machoke#068#068 Machamp#074#074 Geodude#075#075 Graveler#076#076 Golem#079#079 Slowpoke#080#080 Slowbro#095#095 Onix#104#104 Cubone#105#105 Marowak#108#108 Lickitung#111#111 Rhyhorn#112#112 Rhydon#115#115 Kangaskhan#128#128 Tauros#143#143 Snorlax#151#151 Mew

en Fissure
it Abisso
fr Abîme
de Geofissur
es Fisura

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